Policy aimed at; Employers and Employees
Issued Feb 2006
Updated August 2018
If possible all volunteers should arrive between 5pm and 5:15pm.
Before the children so any instructions or information can be given to you.
One to one children will be allocated a volunteer every session.
There must be a volunteer on the door and in the hall at the beginning of each session. There must also be a volunteer on the door at the end of each session. The main door will be shut during club time.
Two volunteers must take a child who needs assistance to the toilet.
No children are allowed in the kitchen. The First Aid box will be kept in the kitchen as will the accident and incident book where they can be filled in when necessary.
Every accident/incident must by recorded however minor it might seem.
Friends of club members will not be allowed to visit during club time.
Everyone must familiarise themselves with the fire exits and take part in the regular fire drills.
Up to date information on all the members is kept on site at each session.
A register and visitors book is used to record each sessions attendance.
The club will be responsible for carrying out a risk assessment before any activity can take place.
The parents/carers of any member who appears to be to ill (infectious) or too badly behaved (a danger to others) will be asked to remove the member from the session.
1 General Policy Statement
The Trustees of Bath Junior Gateway Club recognise their responsibility to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees; and further that a duty extends to all other persons whilst they are on Bath Junior Gateway Club's premises.
It is Bath Junior Gateway Club's policy to do all that is reasonable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect all persons, including members of the general public, from foreseeable work hazards insofar as they come into contact with Bath Junior Gateway Club.
The Trustees recognise that it is their duty to:-
provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, taking into account any statutory requirements;
provide appropriate instruction and training to enable employees to perform their work tasks safely and efficiently;
make available to employees all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and to supervise their use;
maintain a constant and on-going interest in health and safety matters which are applicable to Bath Junior Gateway Club's activities; in particular by consulting and involving employees;
provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practical, safe access and egress to the place of work;
provide and maintain a working environment that is, so far as is reasonably practical, safe, without risk to health and safety, and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for welfare at work.
The Trustees further recognise that employees equally have a duty under the law to exercise personal responsibility and to do everything practical to prevent injury to themselves and others by:
Working safely and efficiently
Using the appropriate protective equipment provided and meeting all statutory obligations;
Immediately reporting incidents that have led or may lead to injury of persons or damage to property;
Strictly adhering to Bath Junior Gateway Club Policies and Procedures, directions and safety instructions for securing a safe work place;
Assisting in the investigation of accidents with the objectives of upgrading existing measures or introducing new measures to prevent a recurrence;
Fulfilling the duty to refrain from the wilful misuse or interference with protective equipment which has been provided by Bath Junior Gateway Club in the interest of health and safety and welfare, and to take reasonable care in any action which might endanger themselves or others.
2 Duties of Employer
As outlined in the Health and Safety at Work Act etc. 1974, it shall be the duty of Bath Junior Gateway Club to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees. This duty requires:
the appointment of a person to take overall responsibility for Health & Safety within Bath Junior Gateway Club;
the provision and maintenance of plants and systems at work that are safe and without risk to employees health;
arrangements for ensuring the safety and absence of risks to health, in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;
the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of the employees;
the maintenance of any place of work under Bath Junior Gateway Club control in a safe condition and without risk to health, and the provision of safe means of access to and egress from the place of work;
the provision and maintenance of a working environment for employees that is safe, without dsk to health, and is adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their at work.
3 Duties of Employees
It shall be the duty of every employee whilst at work to:3.1 take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves;
take reasonable care for the health and safety of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work;
cooperate with their employer, or any other person, or any of the relevant statutory provisions so far as is necessary, to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with.
4 Duties of Other Persons
It is the duty of persons designing, manufacturing, importing or supplying articles or substances for use at work to:-
Ensure they are safe without risk to health when propedy used;
Carry out tests or examinations as may be necessary to ensure they are safe and without risk to health when properly used;
provide any information necessary to ensure they are safe without risk to health when properly used;
enable anyone erecting or installing articles for use at work to ensure they are safe and without risk to health when properly used.
5 Duties of the Safety Officer
The duties of the safety officer include:
advising staff, volunteers and the Committee in order to assist the fulfilment of the responsibilities for health and safety;
advising on safety aspects in the design and use of plant and equipment and where necessary, the checking of new equipment before commissioning;
carrying out periodic inspections to identify unsafe plant, unsafe working conditions and unsafe working practices, to report the results of such inspections and make recommendations for any remedial action;
promoting and, where appropriate, participating in safety education programmes to raise the level of safety awareness within the organisation;
investigating accidents, assessing possible causes of injury and circumstances likely to produce accidents, and the tendering of reports and advice to prevent recurrence;
developing, revising and, when necessary, updating the organisation's policies and procedures to ensure compliance with all relevant health, safety and environmental legislation.
6 Statutory Provisions
Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 there is a common duty on all persons at work to operate in a safe manner, and this duty is enforceable at law.
The breach of the relevant statutory provisions is a criminal offence. Employees may be liable to prosecution as may other persons (e.g. manufacturers) who are in breach of any duty imposed upon them by such statutory provisions.
Bath Junior Gateway Club and any employee who endangers the health and safety of any other person is liable to prosecution, irrespective of whether their conduct is a breach of any specific rule or not.
7 Collective responsibilities
The effective implementation of the Bath Junior Gateway Club Health and Safety Policy requires a participation of all employees although the overall responsibility lies with Bath Junior Gateway Club's Management Committee. The Management Committee accepts that this accountability forms an integral and essential part of their executive responsibilities, ranking equally with all other Bath Junior Gateway Club commitments and objectives.
8 Management Committee
The Management committee of Bath Junior Gateway Club are responsible for the effective implementation of the Health and Safety Policy by:
keeping themselves informed of all the incidents of accidents occurring on Bath Junior Gateway Club premises, both to Bath Junior Gateway Club's employees and to other persons;
keeping under review all safety measures, instructions, training and to ensure the health and safety and welfare of all employees and other persons whilst on Bath Junior Gateway Club premises or on or about its vehicle(s);
being available to receive safety delegates and to attend safety meetings as required;
making available such resources as are required in order that Bath Junior Gateway Club may execute its statutory duties under all health and safety legislation.
9 Bath Junior Gateway Clubs Coordinator
The Bath Junior Gateway Coordinator is responsible for the effective implementation of Bath Junior Gateway Club's Health and Safety Policy within his/her area of control by:
keeping himseff/herself informed of all incidents and accidents within premises under his/her control and any other situation which involves staff on duty anywhere else;
inspecting the premises under his/her control to check that the safety measures are being maintained and that safe systems of work are being followed in the method of work and in the work place generally, as determined in Bath Junior Gateway Club's Policies and Procedures;
instructing those under his/her control and within premises under his/her control, precisely and clearly as to their duties with regard to the safety of themselves and all other within their areas of control;
informing employees of any hazards to health and safety encountered in the course of their work, the precautions to be taken and their duties to safeguard their health and general well-being;
making himseff/herseff readily available to receive and discuss health and safety queries raised by employees under his/her control;
maintaining an up to date knowledge of legislative and statutory requirements relevant to his/her area of responsibility and ensure they are complied with;
ensuring that all new plant and equipment meets the acceptable safety standards prior to final purchase and commission;
ensuring that any Contractors employed are conversant with Bath Junior Gateway Club's Safety Policies and Procedures and adopt safe methods of work, and see that all written commissions are correctly completed and signed.
10 Bath Junior Gateway Club Employees
All Bath Junior Gateway Club employees have a duty of care to themselves and to all other persons in the workplace and therefore must
observe all health and safety rules at all times;
familiarise themselves with all safety operating procedures and instructions applying in any work place and in any job to which they may be allocated;
use appropriate safety devices and equipment to ensure compliance with statutory regulations and appropriate Bath Junior Gateway Club Policies and Procedures;
immediately upon detection report any defects or health hazard to their immediate manager or the Director;
assist in the maintenance of good housekeeping standards at all times;
report any accidents or plant damage immediately to their immediate manager or the Director, whether injuries are caused or not, and assist in the investigation of the accident;
co-operate in the work of the Management committee and in the inspections of the work place as required.
11 Responsibilities of Contractors
All the tender documents and contracts for service that are agreed between Bath Junior Gateway Club and contractors will set out the contractors' responsibilities to Bath Junior Gateway Club for the safety of its employees, those for whom Bath Junior Gateway Club provides a service, and the public. The responsibility of the contractors when working on Bath Junior Gateway Club premises will be to provide adequate supervision and monitodng by:
ensuring reasonable care for the protection of their own employees;
ensuring that all reasonable care is taken for the protection of Bath Junior gateway Club's employees and those for whom Bath Junior Gateway Club provides a service;
ensuring that their employees abide by any health and safety arrangements for the premises where the work is being undertaken;
ensuring safe access and egress;
providing that any such equipment, articles or substances provided for use at Bath Junior Gateway Club premises is safe and maintained as such;
ensuring that prior arrangements are made with Bath Junior Gateway Club relevant to create a safe place of work.
12 Health and Safety Arrangements
The following arrangements are in place for Bath Junior Gateway Club to ensure that all systems, procedures and policies in respect of health and safety are designed to ensure the provision of a safe working environment and to prevent any personal injury and damage to property, and to protect all persons, including employees and members of the general public, who may be present on Bath Junior Gateway Club premises.
12.1 Safety Inspections
These will be undertaken at regular intervals by the Safety Officer.
12.2 Electrical Safety
This will be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.
12.3 Health and Safety Training
Bath Junior Gateway Club will provide adequate and appropriate Health and Safety Training for all employees including induction training and skills training and maintain the appropriate training records.
12.4 Accident Statistics and Reporting Procedures
Bath Junior Gateway Club will maintain all necessary accident statistics and monitor and, where appropriate, improve existing reporting procedures.
12.5 Waste Policy
Bath Junior Gateway club will ensure that it's waste is dealt with according to the requirements of the Environmental Protection ACt 1990.
12.6 Staff Medicals and First Aid Arrangements
Bath Junior Gateway Club will ensure that all members of staff are provided with medical inspections where appropriate and that all the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 are complied with.
12.7 Health and Safety Annual Review
Bath Junior Gateway Club will authorise the Safety Officer to undertake an annual review of all work currently undertaken in the workplace and to report findings and recommendations to the Council of Management.