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Equal Opportunities






Policy aimed at; Everyone involved with Bath Junior Gateway  Club




Issued Feb 2006


Updated August 2018







Bath Junior Gateway Club is committed to ensuring that its policies and practices afford equality of opportunity to all children in the age range of 7 to 18 years, our paid staff and volunteers. We do not discriminate on the grounds of ethnic origin, gender, disability, religon or for any other reason.


The club is open to every family in the community.


We aim to welcome children and volunteers from a wide diversity of backgrounds.


All children are respected and their individuality and potential recognised.


Children are encouraged to welcome and acknowledge festivals and celebrations from a diverse range of cultures, taking into account the special food and clothing that may be involved.


Bath Junior Gateway Club encourages member participation on the Management Committee to ensure that they have a 'voice' in the decision making and can play a role in the future development and policies of the club.


Children are encouraged to acknowledge and value differences between themselves and others.


Discriminatory behaviour or remarks are unacceptable in the dub.


The response to any discrimination aims to be sensitive to the feelings of the victim(s) and to help those responsible to understand and overcome their prejudices.


We aim to ensure that our volunteers have a commitment to the care and support of the children.


Volunteers are  recruited, promoted and at all times treated on their relative merits and abilities.


All members of staff including students and volunteers receive a copy of our equal opportunities policy on appointment.


Training courses for volunteers reflect Bath Junior Gateway Club's commitment to equal opportunity and ensure that all volunteers understand the relevance of this during their work with the club,


Bath Junior Gateway Club regularly reviews its equal opportunity policy and practices.


Complaints of harassment by volunteers or members will be thoroughly investigated by the Management Committee.



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