Policy aimed at; Employers and Employees
Issued Feb 2006
Updated August 2018
Bath Junior Gateway Club believes that children have the right to be completely secure from both the fear and reality of abuse, and we are committed to protecting all the children in our care from harm.
Recognising Child Abuse
Child abuse manifests itself in a variety of different ways, some overt and others much less so. All staff have child protection training and will be vigilant to signs and evidence of physical, sexual and emotional abuse or neglect.
Physical Abuse: This involves hitting, shaking, throwing, burning, suffocating or any other physical harm. Deliberately causing a child’s ill health also constitutes physical abuse.
Sexual Abuse: This involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative or non-penetrative acts. Showing children pornographic materials, sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways also constitutes sexual abuse.
Emotional abuse: Varying degrees of emotional abuse is present in virtually all child protection incidents, but can also constitute abuse in its own right. Emotional abuse involves persistent or severe emotional ill-treatment or torture causing, or likely to cause, severe adverse effects on the emotional stability of a child. Such behaviour may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless, unloved, or inadequate, or making them feel unnecessarily frightened or vulnerable.
Neglect: Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical, emotional or psychological needs, such as is likely to have a severe impact on their health, development or emotional stability. Neglect may involve failing to provide adequate food, shelter or clothing for a child, or failing to adequately protect them from physical harm or ill health Neglect can also manifest itself in a failure to meet the basic emotional needs of child.
Staff Support and Training
BJGC is committed to ensuring that it meets its responsibilities in respect of child protection through the provision of support and training to staff. Therefore, BJGC will ensure that:
All staff, students and volunteers are carefully recruited, have verified references and have full and up to date Disclosure and Barring Certificates.
All staff and volunteers are given a copy of the Child Protection policy during their induction, and have its implications explained to them.
All staff and volunteers receive regular training and supervision in child protection issues and are provided with any relevant information and guidance.
All staff are aware of the main indicators of child abuse.
All staff are aware of their statutory requirements in respect of the disclosure or discovery of child abuse and the procedure for doing so. All students and volunteers are instructed to report the disclosure or discovery of abuse to the club leader.
BJGC will take appropriate action in relation to the findings of any investigation into allegations of abuse, consistent with its duties to protect the safety of children and up hold fair processes for staff, students and volunteers.
Any member of staff, a student or volunteer under investigation for the alleged abuse of a child, will be subject to the provisions of the Staff Disciplinary Policy.
Safe Caring
All staff understand BJGC’s child protection procedures and have had appropriate training and guidance in the principles of safe caring. To this end:
Every effort will be made to avoid or minimise time when members of staff, students or volunteers are left alone with a child. If staff are alone with a child, the door of the room should be kept open and another member of staff should be informed.
If a child makes inappropriate physical contact with a member of staff, students or volunteer, this will be recorded fully in the Incident Record Book.
Staff will never carry out a personal task for children that they can do for themselves. Where this is essential, staff will help a child whilst being accompanied by a colleague.
Unless a child has a particular need, staff should not accompany children into the toilet. Staff are aware that this and other similar activities could be misconstrued.
Staff will be mindful of how and where they touch children, given their age and emotional understanding. Unnecessary or potentially inappropriate physical contact will be avoided at all times.
All allegations made by a child against a member of staff will be fully recorded, including any actions taken, in the Incident Record Book. In the event of there being a witness to an incident, they should sign the records to confirm this.
Dealing With Allegations
BJGC is committed to ensuring that it meets its responsibilities in respect of child protection by treating any allegation seriously and sensitively. BJGC will not carry out any investigation itself into a suspected child abuse incident. On discovering an allegation of abuse, the club leader will immediately refer the case to the local statutory child protection agencies.
Further to this, the following principles will govern any suspected or reported case of abuse:
Where actual or suspected abuse comes to the attention of staff, they will report this to the club leader at the earliest possible opportunity.
Staff are encouraged and supported to trust their professional judgment and if they suspect abuse has, or is taking place, to report this.
Full written records of all reported incidents will be produced and maintained. Information recorded will include full details of the alleged incident; details of all the parties involved; any evidence or explanations offered by interested parties; relevant dates, times and locations and any supporting information or evidence from members of staff. BJGC will demonstrate great care in distinguishing between fact and opinion when recording suspected incidents of child abuse.
The club leader will be responsible for ensuring that written records are dated, signed and kept confidentially.
If an allegation of abuse is made against the club leader the committee will be informed as soon as possible. They will then assume responsibility for the situation or delegate this role to a senior member of staff.
Staff will ensure that all concerns and allegations are treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
Any children involved in alleged incidents will be comforted and reassured.
In circumstances where a child makes an allegation or a disclosure, the member of staff concerned will:
Listen fully to all the child has to say.
Make no observable judgement.
Ask open questions that encourage the child to speak in their own words.
Ensure the child is safe, comfortable and not left alone.
Make no promises that cannot be kept; such as promising not to tell anybody what they are being told.
Staff will be made aware of the Department of Health’s booklet ‘What to do if You’re Worried A Child Is Being Abused?’ (2003), and it’s recent guidance on ‘Protecting Children from Harm’.
Referring Allegations to Child Protection Agencies
If the club leader has reasonable grounds for believing that a child has been – or is in grave danger of being – subject to abuse, the following procedure will be activated:
Contact will be made, at the earliest possible opportunity, with the local social services department.
The club leader will communicate as much information about the allegation and related incidents as is consistent with advice given by social services and the police.
At all times, the safety, protection and interests of children concerned will take precedence. The club leader and staff will work with and support parents/carers as far as they are legally able.
BJGC will assist the social services and the police, as far as it is able, during any investigation of abuse or neglect. This will include disclosing written and verbal information and evidence.