Complaints Procedure
Policy aimed at; Employers and Employees
Issued Feb 2006
Updated August 2018
1 Introduction
Everyone has a right to express their views or complain about a service provided by Bath Junior Gateway Club by inviting comments and encouraging feedback, Bath Junior Gateway Club aims to ensure that its services are continually reviewed and meet the needs of users.
2 Procedure
2.1 Stage 1
It is hoped that any problems or complaints that a parent, carer, member or person using the services provided by Bath Junior Gateway Club may have can be dealt with informally at source.
2.2 Stage 2
If a problem cannot be resolved in this way, they should write, giving full details of their complaint to
The Leader / Coordinator
Bath Junior Gateway Club
Weston Hub
High Street
2.3 Stage 3
If the matter has not been resolved, or if there is no satisfactory outcome within four weeks of the date the Chief Executive received the written complaint, the matter should be referred to
The Chairperson
Bath Junior Gateway Club
Weston Hub
High Street
The Chairperson will then discuss the matter confidentially at a meeting of the Committee and convey the result to the complainant in writing.