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Policy aimed at; Employers and Employees



Issued Feb 2006


Updated August 2018





Welcome to Bath Junior Gateway Club. The following is a statement covering various aspects of your employment with the Bath Junior Gateway Club.


Hours of work


Your contracted hours are given in your Conditions of Employment.

Time off in lieu must be agreed with your line manager in advance.





You must keep all information given to you or created by you during your employment confidential at all times while you are an employee and after your employment ends.

More details are given in the separate Confidentiality Policy


Health and Safety


You are expected to comply with all current health and safety legislation and be familiar with Bath Junior Gateway Club's Health and Safety Policy.


Bath Junior Gateway Club Property


You are expected to take all reasonable care of any Bath Junior Gateway Club property issued to you and may be liable for any loss or damage arising from your negligence. You may not remove equipment, furnishing or supplies from the workplace without the permission of your line manager. Supplies purchased by the Bath Junior Gateway Club may not be taken for personal use.


Petty Cash


The petty cash float held in the offices may not be borrowed from and should never be used to make cash payments to casual staff unless specifically agreed to the contrary.


Personal belongings


Bath Junior Gateway Club cannot accept any responsibility for your own belongings while you are at work and you should therefore ensure that you only bring with you to work those items, which you will actually need during the working day.




Where your own vehicle is used for Bath Junior Gateway Club business, regardless of whether you claim reimbursement of petrol costs for this, you must ensure that your insurance policy is in force and includes cover for such business use. You must also have a current MOT, road tax and valid current driving licence.




Bath Junior Gateway Club is a no smoking environment. You are asked to respect this and take into account health and safety requirements.


Acceptance of gifts


You must never ask or influence a service user to buy or give you a gift.


Wills, deeds etc.


Under no circumstances may you assist or offer advice in the preparation of wills, deeds or gifts or any document relating to finance, gilts or property unless this specifically forms a pert of your job description. On such occasions, you should advise service users to seek independent legal or financial advice.


Private telephone calls


You may only make essential private calls from Bath Junior Gateway Club numbers and must reimburse the full costs of such calls. Incoming personal calls should be restricted to brief calls at times of urgency.


Computer Equipment


You may only use computer equipment, systems and networks for Bath Junior Gateway Club business unless otherwise authorised by your manager.

There are no circumstances in which you may use Bath Junior Gateway Club computers or networks for purposes that are unlawful, offensive, interfere with Bath Junior Gateway Club business or may bring the Bath Junior Gateway Club's reputation into disrepute.

Note that computers and networks may be subject to audits, monitoring and investigations to protect Bath Junior Gateway Club assets, and due to this you can have no personal right of privacy when using them.


Internet use


The Internet is fast becoming an essential business tool for communicating with other organisations and for research purposes. However the use of the Internet in a manner not conducive with business ethics may expose the individual and the Bath Junior Gateway Club to possible danger of prosecution and fines.

Internet browsing software and computer equipment is provided by the Bath Junior Gateway Club for business purposes only; non-business use may result in disciplinary action being taken.

You are not permitted to purchase or install third party Internet Web Access software

Do not access or download any material that could be construed as pornographic or offensive






You must only use the email service for Bath Junior Gateway Club business.  Mail on the internet is not secure; never include anything in an email message that yyou want to keep private & confidential.


Think twice before sending any electronic communicatiom, unlike a paper message there is no possibility of recalling the message.


Do not send threatening electronic messages


Do not send racially, politically or secually offensive electronic messages.


Do not send confidential materials electronically outside of the Bath Junior Gateway Club


Do not participate in chain letters sent via email


Do not send any electronic correspondence that may in any way reflect poorly on the Bath Junior Gateway Club as each transaction can be traced to the Bath Junior Gateway Club and to the originating user.


Do not open any email attachments unless you are sure of what they contain and where they have come from




You have a responsibility to read all appropriate communication books and check any message systems when arriving at your workplace.  For your own safety, it is important that you leave a note at your workplace of the appoitments you will be attending and the time you anticipate returning.


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